Where Life ...
Comes to Live
Gordon Laroussini REALTOR®
RE/MAX HALL of FAME & RISMedia Newsmaker Award 2020
5 Star Professional -7 years
26+ years as a REALTOR
“Loving the Place you Live, and Living the Place you Love, is all about Richmond“. RVA is a great fun place and making it better from the home-up is critical to the quality of life.
Building a strong and active RVA community is what makes me strive to support a better environment for you and your family.
As an active promoter of offering the best in the market of today while contributing to the betterment of the RVA community, I continue to ask what I can do for you. “Downsizing, The Next Generation” is my brand for supporting the family wanting to move to a smaller home, 55+ community, or to transition into an Independent or assisted living community. This presents a great opportunity for a first-time buyer who does not mind doing a little tlc on a house.
Professional REALTOR® Serving Richmond VA Area (RVA) since 1997. Awards: RISMedia Newsmaker AWARD 2020, RE/MAX Hall of Fame – REALTOR® serving the West End, Short Pump, Henrico, City of Richmond, Hanover, Chesterfield, and 3 more counties. Designations include ABR Accredited Buyers Agent, SRES Senior Real Estate Specialist, SRS Sellers Representative Specialists, CDPE Certified Distressed Property Expert.

Call Me at 804-377-0707 or Fill Out the Form to Email.