75+ Living
Downsizing is a Lifestyle!
What is your style?
The 75+ Unwinding Generation is the fastest growing and wealthiest in history, and planning for the best of a simpler lifestyle is an important step.
“Starting at 70, it is a good idea to start thinking about and RETOOLING for a simpler living arrangement. If not RE-TOOLED by age 75, it is crunch time to Organize – Gift – Sell – Unload & Retool housing”
My network members can coordinate everything to sell and liquidate:
• Repurpose, Sell or Dispose
• Pack, Move and Place
• Prep, Repair, Paint
• And then, I Sell the House
“We already have the specialists
making the transition much easier!”
-Specialized Movers
You will have access to companies who are experienced in later life moves, including sorting, packing, decluttering, selling, auctions & online auctions, eBay, donating, unpacking, and floor planning in your new home or community.
-Estate Trusts & Real Estate Liquidation
From a full estate to an empty house, then selling the house, we work within the needs of the executor/trustee/attorney to walk thru the steps. Our paper trail will satisfy your county Commissioner of Accounts.
-Elder Law, Planners, and Trust Attorneys
If you have not protected your assets, now is the time to make a stand. We can suggest specialists in guarding and protecting assets, senior’s rights, Wills, Trusts, VA benefits, and creating an updated Virginia Power of Attorney.
“Let’s talk now for the coordination you need.”
The 75+ Unwinding Generation is the fastest growing and wealthiest in history, and planning for the best of a simpler lifestyle is an important step.
“Starting at 70, it is a good idea to start thinking about and RETOOLING for a simpler living arrangement. If not RE-TOOLED by age 75, it is crunch time to Organize – Gift – Sell – Unload & Retool housing”
“We already have specialists making the transition much easier!”
“Let’s talk now for the coordination you need.”

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“Primary 1st Floor Bedrooms”
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“Downsizing Starts Here” brochure!
Call Me at 804-377-0707 or Fill Out the Form to Email.